2 responses

  1. Our heads are so on the same level..you know what frustrates me the most? There are those individuals who don’t have to work out that often and can eat whatever they want, but have the perfect body. Those of us that have to work for it have it more rough darn it. I have to tell myself…”well you are doing it the right way, and Jessica Biel is a beast.” One thing about weighing yourself..your weight doesn’t reflect the results you are actually producing, you are probably trimming up! After seeing you today, I know you are definitely trimmed to hell and back:) I have just gotten on autopilot about going to the gym. I drive there without thinking…then once I’m there I’m like “well hell, might as well throw it down.” I am now on the 6-pack goal, which has completely sucked..not gonna lie. Its so awesome to see someone on the same page as me:)…that was the comment I was supposed to post, haha.

    • Yeah I agree… but I think it catches up with everyone eventually. Even if they’re skinny & seem to have the perfect body, it doesn’t mean they’re healthy. A lot of skinny girls can’t walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath haha… I feel good when I feel strong. I’m the same with working out too. I just look at it as something I’ve got to do, like showering or eating dinner, it’s just part of my day.
      Thanks for saying I look trim 🙂 helps motivate me if someone can tell I’ve made progress. Especially from someone like you with some expertise on the subject.. & I’ll let you know when they’ve finished construction & we can start a spin session!

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