Warrior Style

20121008-203435.jpgWhen I started this blog, I thought I’d be posting more than once a week (which is what I’m averaging now). This is not due to lack of discussion topics… obviously life just gets in the way of “hobbies” like this. That being said, I feel like I’m trying to slam a week’s worth of thoughts into a short report.  It may seem a little all over the place, so bear with me! 🙂

I ran the Warrior Dash this past Saturday. It was my 2nd obstacle 5K race. In comparison to the Barbarian Challenge, I think this one was easier. They were both fun and I plan on doing more! (Tough Mudder, Spartan, etc)  My boyfriend and I were in the very last group for this race at 4:00. On top of that, we were late. His car died on the way, we had to get a new ride. Ugh. Anyway, we were the VERY last 2 people to start (about 4:10).  We ended up catching up to everyone else and even passed a lot of people.  I felt great.. I know Insanity helped 🙂  I feel like I’m in better shape now than I’ve ever been.

Here in good ol Alabama, it’s still hot at this time of year. No surprise there. So I wasn’t expecting the temperature drop for the race. It was about 60 degrees when we ran, which is fine, but when you’re swimming in icy water it gets a bit chilly!! Some of the obstacles included: crawling under barbwire, climbing a rope wall, jumping over fire, swimming through a pond with a floating obstacle, crawling up & down multiple muddy hills, crawling through muddy water trenches, etc. You can check out the pictures on the website to get a better idea. Basically LOTS of mud & lots of praying I didn’t slip and break my ankle (my balance isn’t the best).  You get a beer when you finish, and Mason & I split a turkey leg. Hit the spot.


Also took my Month 2 Week 1 Insanity progress pictures below. Month 2 workouts are even more of a challenge. I was SO sore this week… I hurt sitting, standing, walking, & I could barely lift my arms over my head.  So it only made sense for me to take the day off before and after the Warrior Dash. I got back on track today though.

It’s amazing how your body adapts and becomes stronger… when I began Insanity, the warm-up alone made me want to vomit. Now I can do the warm-ups with no problems. Of course I’m breathing hard and sweating within the first 5 minutes, but that’s normal. I don’t have to pause it & take long breaks to catch my breath anymore. I love feeling in shape. I feel strong and accomplished.

It’s still a little weird for me to post pictures of my body (ie what I’ve been doing every week). I used to judge myself solely on size. I know there are tons of girls who are “skinnier” than me… But the more I focus on my fitness, the more I realize that THAT is the most important goal here. Any girl can starve herself. That’s pretty easy, as in it requires no effort. What is not easy is being physically fit while feeding your body the nutrients it needs. It’s a challenge that not many people are willing to attempt. It takes hard work and dedication. THAT is something to be proud of. Not just a number on a scale.

20121008-203455.jpgSure a skinny girl can be healthy, but it could also mean she lives on cigarettes and diet coke. Or just coke. Ha. Ya never know.

Aside from the visual benefits of being “fit”, also comes the numerous list of health benefits you gain from working out. Everything from brain function to warding off cancer & other diseases… Who wouldn’t prefer to be healthy and fit? I’m sure everyone would choose to be if they could snap their fingers and have it done.  Most people just simply do not care enough to make it happen. Or they feel like they’ve gotten so far off track that there’s no point in trying to get back on.

No matter where you are starting out on your journey to healthy, it’s never too late. What’s your excuse? Seriously. If your body, health, wellness, and overall quality of life are important to you, then you will make it a priority. If you don’t have the motivation to do it for yourself, then maybe use the people who are most important to you. Do it for someone you care about. Get them involved and be accountability buddies. Find what motivates you. Do whatever it takes.  The quote at the top of my page says it best.. “When you consider yourself valuable, you will take care of yourself in all ways that are necessary.” True that M. Scott Peck, true that. 😉



Ready for Month 2 of Insanity!


4.5 weeks into Insanity & I finally feel like I’m starting to burn fat & lean out. This is my “recovery week” where you do an easier dvd every day to give your body a break before month 2! Of course it’s going to get much harder. I’ve had several people ask me questions about insanity so I thought I’d go into a little more detail.
If comparing p90x to insanity, insanity is more cardio-based than p90x, geared more toward getting lean & toned. There is no equipment required with insanity, no weights, nothing. However I do use my yoga mat for the ab workout. There are a lot of push ups and workouts in the plank position. You are only using your own body weight for the workouts. Month 1 workouts have all been around 40 minutes long (that’s shorter than the p90x workouts). Also, insanity is only 2 months, where p90x is 3.
I wouldn’t recommend jumping into insanity unless you’re already in pretty decent shape. I knew my upper body was lacking the strength when I began & I’ve struggled quite a bit with all the push ups. But I’ve improved so much over the past month! I love feeling stronger… Makes me feel empowered 😉 I can’t wait to see what kind of results month 2 will bring!!

Here are some of my random recent eats:


•My favorite salad: spinach, chicken, red grapes, sliced peach, sliced almonds, & poppyseed dressing.
•Plain Chobani, 2 packets of truvia and fresh raspberries (more protein and a lot less sugar than buying the flavored stuff)
•Mashed sweet potatoes: peeled, chopped, then boiled the potatoes, mashed, then added a SMALL amount of smart balance butter, brown sugar & cinnamon to taste.
•Kashi frozen meal in steamer bag, with Green Giant seasoned brussel sprouts, also in a steamer bag.
•Protein banana pancake: 1 packet Quaker banana cream oatmeal, 1 egg, 1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein
•Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, with spinach and tomato, no cheese! (when buying bread, you want to make sure the #1 ingredient is whole wheat flour.. A lot of “wheat breads” will say “enriched” flour which is not good)
•Egg, tomato, miracle whip, on a piece of toast
•Black bean burger 🙂 I ate it with a little salsa on top


Insanity-Halfway Results


It’s slightly difficult to take a good leg pic (bottom left they look awkwardly short, but it’s the angle). For the last progress shot I did arms, sooooo had to attempt the lower half this time.  I AM HALFWAY DONE!!! Whoop whoop!!! I feel amazing… I can definitely tell that my endurance and strength have increased. My entire body is more firm and my muscles more toned. Of course I wouldn’t be able to see results if I hadn’t been eating clean! I did cheat a couple times this past month due to bachelorette parties, bridal teas, birthdays, & baby showers… But I made sure I didn’t overdo it. And it only happened maybe once a week. Don’t let one cheat item cause you to spiral out of control. That being said… Here’s my breakfast fuel from today: 1 egg + 2 egg whites & spinach omelette, 100% whole wheat English muffin with a little honey drizzled on top, and a pear & a few red grapes. You can’t starve yourself and be fit, just like you can’t eat garbage and be healthy. Be conscious of everything you put in your mouth! (that’s what she said) haha but no seriously.


week 3 progress report & a lil’ fitsperation

INSANITY WEEK 3! Whoa shoulders… they like to bulk up (I just wanna lean out) but the abs are starting to pop, which I’m proud of! I’m halfway through month 1!! It always helps when you have a goal date set… it’s like the light at the end of the tunnel. I KNOW that if I continue to eat clean and do my workouts, that I’ll see the progress I want by October 28. No questions, no wishing, no whining… that’s what I have to do, and that’s when I’ll have it.

Even if you aren’t doing insanity, it’s great to set mini-goals with deadlines. However, they should be realistic… when I was only concerned with weight loss, I would set a goal of 1 or 2 lbs per week. If you have an average BMI and lose more than that in a week, it’s more than likely just water weight, not fat. For example, when I had swine flu and lost 8 lbs in 2 days… yep, came right back, water weight. Same with all the cleanses that claim to shed pounds. They’re great to detox of course, and jumpstart a new lifestyle, but they’re not a weight loss miracle. You can’t get in a hurry and expect perfection overnight. Aim for progress. If you’re taking the time and doing it the right way, you also have the least chance of gaining it back in the future.

When I started trying to lose my college weight, I tried everything. I wanted a quick fix just like everyone else. I tried everything from diet pills to lemonade cleanses…. I also tried skipping meals. That definitely backfired because I’d end up bingeing at a later meal. It also slows your metabolism… so when you do eat again, your body stores more of it as fat, in preparation for the next time you starve yourself. Finally I did a little research and decided to do it the right way. I started eating the right foods in the right proportions and got my butt in the gym. I have successfully kept this weight off for a few years now.

The concept is simple, but it’s not always easy to do… you’ll try to talk yourself out of going to the gym, or try to rationalize eating that piece of cake. I feel like it’s more of a mental challenge than anything. If it were easy then everyone would have the perfect healthy fit bod (notice I say “healthy, not “skinny”, there’s a difference). It’s something you work for and it’s the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself. When you’re healthy, your overall quality of life improves. Everyone wants it… but most people are just not willing to work for it. I feel like being healthy is something you wear like a big gold star or a sash that says “Look at me! I have self-discipline & will-power, I take care of myself!” Especially in today’s world, I feel like healthy people are the minority… which should make you even more proud of yourself when you make the right choices.

Like I said, doesn’t happen overnight… if you get off track, get right back on. Don’t let one mistake cause you to spiral out of control. I love this illustration…



Okay so maybe I didn’t exactly “kill” week 1 of insanity…. But I did complete it, and I can already tell a difference in muscle tone and an increase in strength. I struggled a bit.. But I gave 110% and repeated Shaun T’s “dig deeper, dig deeper” in my head haha (he really does a great job leading the workouts & making you push yourself). I’m definitely happy with the results I’m seeing after just 1 week… I can’t wait to see how I’ve improved after 2 months!!!

Also did some juicing this morning… Just a simple breakfast blend of oranges, grapefruit, and lemon. I add a little water to this concoction or else it makes your face pucker 😉 Tastes so good & definitely wakes you up!

Pancakes, Insanity, & a Weim….

Telling everyone you know about your workout goals should obviously increase the chance that you stick with it… I mean who wants to be a lazy failure to the general public? Ha so yeah, I’m doing that.

Today was day 5 of Insanity… IT. IS. INTENSE to say the least.  I’m really loving it so far though.  I’ve done Jillian Michaels and a few of the P90X dvds in the past, but this one is my favorite. I also feel like it’s the most challenging.  Today I did “Pure Cardio” and had to pause it a few times to catch my breath.  I assume this is a normal week 1 thing… maybe week 2 I’ll be able to go all the way with no breaks. They advise you to take “before” pictures. Did that. I’m not in bad shape, but standing against a white wall, with the flash on, while you’re staring straight ahead, looking all mug shot-ish… definitely not the most flattering picture for anyone. And not something I’d want displayed on a social network.  But if I make visible progress, best believe I will post it.

Insanity also comes with a nutrition guide and meal plan. I already eat pretty clean, but one thing I am going to work on is eating smaller amounts more often. They really stress the importance of eating 5 evenly spaced meals throughout the day while you’re doing a workout program like Insanity.  AND I can eat a little more in general, because I’m burning more calories… which is always nice. Because food is fun.

On to other highlights from my day…

Speaking of food, my new favorite breakfast is oatmeal pancakes. Ideally you would use raw oats, or a low sugar version… but I only had a packet of Quaker maple brown sugar. I put it in the blender, along with a banana, flax-seed, an egg, a little water, and a little almond milk. It’s also recommended to add whey protein (that’s on my grocery list).

I put fresh raspberries and chopped walnuts on top…. YUM! This meal has it all, good carbs, good fats, and protein.  Great start to the day and fuel for a workout.

Lunch was rolled in a whole wheat wrap with flax-seed. I used leftover chicken from dinner last night, with spinach, tomato, cucumber, grey poupon, and a tiny bit of light mayo.

Last, but most importantly, is my precious grey dog, prepping for fall in my new scarf 🙂  I just wanna squeeze her wittle face off sometimes.

Barbarian – Beastmode

This picture was taken after an obstacle race that I ran with my boyfriend, Mason. (He could have easily left me in his dust, but he ran with me… how sweet.)

This particular race was the Barbarian… there are several similar races like Spartan, Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder, etc.  I highly recommend doing something like this if you haven’t already.

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