Ready for Month 2 of Insanity!


4.5 weeks into Insanity & I finally feel like I’m starting to burn fat & lean out. This is my “recovery week” where you do an easier dvd every day to give your body a break before month 2! Of course it’s going to get much harder. I’ve had several people ask me questions about insanity so I thought I’d go into a little more detail.
If comparing p90x to insanity, insanity is more cardio-based than p90x, geared more toward getting lean & toned. There is no equipment required with insanity, no weights, nothing. However I do use my yoga mat for the ab workout. There are a lot of push ups and workouts in the plank position. You are only using your own body weight for the workouts. Month 1 workouts have all been around 40 minutes long (that’s shorter than the p90x workouts). Also, insanity is only 2 months, where p90x is 3.
I wouldn’t recommend jumping into insanity unless you’re already in pretty decent shape. I knew my upper body was lacking the strength when I began & I’ve struggled quite a bit with all the push ups. But I’ve improved so much over the past month! I love feeling stronger… Makes me feel empowered 😉 I can’t wait to see what kind of results month 2 will bring!!

Here are some of my random recent eats:


•My favorite salad: spinach, chicken, red grapes, sliced peach, sliced almonds, & poppyseed dressing.
•Plain Chobani, 2 packets of truvia and fresh raspberries (more protein and a lot less sugar than buying the flavored stuff)
•Mashed sweet potatoes: peeled, chopped, then boiled the potatoes, mashed, then added a SMALL amount of smart balance butter, brown sugar & cinnamon to taste.
•Kashi frozen meal in steamer bag, with Green Giant seasoned brussel sprouts, also in a steamer bag.
•Protein banana pancake: 1 packet Quaker banana cream oatmeal, 1 egg, 1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein
•Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, with spinach and tomato, no cheese! (when buying bread, you want to make sure the #1 ingredient is whole wheat flour.. A lot of “wheat breads” will say “enriched” flour which is not good)
•Egg, tomato, miracle whip, on a piece of toast
•Black bean burger 🙂 I ate it with a little salsa on top


16 responses

    • Thanks! I really am loving it! Even after I complete the program, I still plan on doing the DVD’s maybe 3 days a week, and going to the gym 2 or 3 days a week to mix it up. I did the Jillian Michaels “Get Ripped” dvd before Insanity, and it helped prepare me!

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