
Okay so maybe I didn’t exactly “kill” week 1 of insanity…. But I did complete it, and I can already tell a difference in muscle tone and an increase in strength. I struggled a bit.. But I gave 110% and repeated Shaun T’s “dig deeper, dig deeper” in my head haha (he really does a great job leading the workouts & making you push yourself). I’m definitely happy with the results I’m seeing after just 1 week… I can’t wait to see how I’ve improved after 2 months!!!

Also did some juicing this morning… Just a simple breakfast blend of oranges, grapefruit, and lemon. I add a little water to this concoction or else it makes your face pucker 😉 Tastes so good & definitely wakes you up!

The Power of Juice

This little health revelation began with a documentary called “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” (on Netflix or you can watch it for free from their website)… it was eye-opening to say the least.  In a nut shell, it’s about this guy who was 100 lbs overweight and had multiple health problems including an autoimmune disease. Doctors had him loaded down with medicines & steroids, but he only continued to get worse. (They were clearly only helping his symptoms, and not curing the problem.. like most docs. Anyway, that’s a whole other soapbox.) He decided that his only option left was to attempt to let the body heal itself through a healthy lifestyle. Continue reading